Go to Celadon and get the tea from the old lady.
Go to the guard of Saffron and go past with the tea.
Go to Silph Corp and clear the maze to get a silph scope and a master ball. The silph scope identifies them.
Get the Silph Scope from the Celadon Rocket Hideout, then ascend to the top of the Pokemon Tower. Then, you'll be able to identify Marowak and defeat it to lay it to rest.
to catch a Pokemon in Pokemon tower defense, drag the pokeball at the bottom of the screen onto the Pokemon you want when it is on low health.
You need the silph scope to do that because one ghost one let you go past it unless you actually defeat it normally you can't because your Pokemon will be scared but with the silph scope you can identify the Pokemon which will be a marowak at level 30.
Chatot can be found in Sprout Tower, Bell Tower, and Burnt Tower when Sinnoh Sound is playing on the Pokemon March station on Thursdays.
in Pokemon tower btw i LOVE Pokemon
The Pokemon tower is in Lavender Town
Team rocket actually kills the Pokemon that are in the Pokemon tower!
at the top of the tower your find him
it is ?
go to sliph.co and some one will give you a *sliph scope* use it to identify the ghosts. did i help??? i hope i did!.
the Pokemon tower is in lavender town
you have to go into the Pokemon tower if you want Mr Fuji
There is no ghost tower but there is a lost tower where you find ghost Pokemon on route 209.
You need special glasses. They are in Team Rocket's main hideout, under the Game Corner. Speak to the guy guarding a poster at that place.
Burnt tower, Tin tower and whirl islands.
Get the Silph Scope from the Celadon Rocket Hideout, then ascend to the top of the Pokemon Tower. Then, you'll be able to identify Marowak and defeat it to lay it to rest.
There is no Trainer Tower in Pokemon Pearl. It is only present in Pokemon Leafgreen and Firered and Pokemon Emerald. There is however, a Battle Tower in Pokemon Pearl which is basically the same as the battle towers in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.