Chatot can be found in Sprout Tower, Bell Tower, and Burnt Tower when Sinnoh Sound is playing on the Pokemon March station on Thursdays.
You can catch chatot at the burned sprout and bell towers.
CHATOT is in the Burned Tower when you play the Sinnoh music on thursdays
In the Eterna City Condos. WARNING! The Chatot he trades you NEVER does what its told to!
Apparently chatot evolves into Paratot, at level 52no chatot does not evolve or are you talking about Pokemon
Yes, there are Sinnoh Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Kricketot, Buneary, Shinx, Luxio, Budew, Buizel, Floatzel, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Chatot, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Riolu, Skorupi, Hippopotas, Gible and Croagunk are all available in the wild in both HeartGold and SoulSilver.
chatot has to be level 21 to get the move chatter
You can catch chatot at the burned sprout and bell towers.
in the sinnoh reigon chatot in the national exeggcute
To get a Chatot in Pokemon Diamond- 1.) You can go to Eterna City and in the first floor of the building next to the Pokemart a Buizel for a Chatot named Charap. The Chatot will be the same level as the buizel you give to him. 2.) You can go to Route 213 for a Chatot level: 23, 25 3.) You can go to Route 218 for a Chatot level: 28, 30 4.) You can go to Route 222 for a Chatot level: 38 5.) You can go to Route 224 for a Chatot level: 52, 54
CHATOT is in the Burned Tower when you play the Sinnoh music on thursdays
it would most likely disallow it, like it wouldn't recognise it as a Pokemon game but if you did get it to transfer it would probably change into the Pokemon the chatot was based off of but nicknamed chatot because the game is just a hack and chatot doesnt exist in the hack, only the 3rd gen. it had to be based off of one of the 1/2/3rd gen Pokemon.
In the Eterna City Condos. WARNING! The Chatot he trades you NEVER does what its told to!
Well, the two old people near the mansion south of Hearthome. Battle the old man, and he should have a Chatot. Or if you'd like to have a Chatot, there's a kid that will ask you if you'd like to trade for a Chatot. I don't remember the Pokemon you need, but he'll trade it to you. Haunter, maybe. But anyway, Chatot is pretty cool to have.