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All the ads showing features for the PS3 state Online connectivity requires broadband internet service and network devices such as a DSL or cable modem. Most people who have this also require a router and an ethernet cable or a wireless router to allow connection of more than one device to there internet service. Once the PS3 is connected with an ethernet cable or you have a wireless router then you go to the PS3 main menu settings and then the Network setting then network connections.

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Q: How do you hook playstation 3 up to oniline?
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With component cables only the red and white are for sound and the other 3 are for video.

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The PlayStation 3 can use either a CAT-5 cable or can connect wirelessly. Typically, it's done wirelessly.

What kind of internet do you need for Playstation 3?

You can have any internet for the ps3, although I'm not sure about dial up. If you have nonwireless internet, you will just have to hook up your ps3 to the internet.

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Each PS3 accessory comes with te cord needed to attach it to the PS3.

If you have a be-bratz how do you hook it up?

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