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Just wait for it to hatch, "touch" the egg a bit.

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Q: How do you hatch a drago pet egg?
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How do you make your drago pet a different color?

The color of your drago pet is affected by the temperature of the egg before it hatches. To make red put a perfect temp to make puprple make it cold

Can you hatch a hybrid pet with krokotillian wizard101?

Yea you can hatch a pet on wizard101 with any 2 pets.

I'm a barb in perfect world and I just bought a all-class baby antelope pet egg I am not sure how to hatch it I took it to Mrs Zooligist and veno trainers but I don't see how to hatch it?

Lol heres the problem. To hatch an egg you go to a pet manager. The Veno trainer for veno skills. Mrs Zoologist is for giving ur pet a name (by buying pet collar and going on rename pet.)or for venos to give their battle pets new skills Go to a pet manager or trainer and click 'hatch pet egg' then drag egg to box. ^^ hope this is helpful. Lol any more questions whisper Killer_Kyoto I'm on Lost City server

Is it illegal to have pet pigeons in Bloomingdale?

yes it is it will lay more egg and if posibal they will hatch

How do you make ceelo hatch on fantage?

Just go to pet town and change ur egg settings and play games so u can get ur egg to hatch faster! :D

How do you make you pet hatch quicker on secretbuilders?

you have to keep going to your house and keep checking up on your egg so that i will hatch faster. Hope that helped! :)

How do you make eggs hatch faster in fantage?

Go to pet town and you see a story book.activate a magic code to fix all egg settings and get the pet of your choice as well as make it hatch faster in fantage.

Can you hatch ostrich egg in still air incubator?

If you can hatch a regular egg in there then you can hatch an ostrich egg.

Can you make a egg unfetilized egg hatch?

* Can you make an unfertilized egg hatch? No

Can you hatch a unfertlized egg?

An un-fertilized egg will NOT hatch.

How do you hatch a chibi pet on tinier me?

you have to click on the egg so that cracks will appear add me plz!!!! Sakura Hassno :P

What will the blue white egg hatch into in the game wizard 101?

Well, the white blue egg is most likely gonna hatch into an ice pet, and there are so many ice pets. guess youll have to wait HOPE THIS HELPS :D