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you need the silph scom u get from giovani when you beat him in the game corner basement in kanto

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Q: How do you go upstairs in silph co in saffron city in Pokemon crystal?
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Pokemon red where is silph co?

Saffron city.

Where is the silph co Pokemon Red?

Saffron City.

Where is the silph co In Pokemon Blue?

in saffron city

Where is the silph scope in Pokemon Red?

saffron city

Were is the silph scope in sliph co in saffron city for blue Pokemon?

The silph scope is not in silph co its in the game corner.

Silph co Pokemon Blue?

Yes. It exists. In Saffron.

Silph scope Pokemon Red?

That building is in saffron city.

How do you appear the ghost Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Get the silph scope at silph co in Saffron city. Then you'll be able to fight the ghosts.

How do you get into the silph tower in Pokemon FireRed?

The Silph Co. building is located in Saffron City. Walk into the entrance to get in.

How do you get in silph co on Pokemon firered?

easy saffron city from scarlett master of pokemon

Where do you find th silph cO in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Saffron City.