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First you open your bag and go to key items the use the explorer kit that you get after you win the second gym and are walking out of town a girl reminds you to get it then you get it out of the house by the Pokemon center. After you use it then save and it'll bring you underground.

the exact same way you do in diamond and pearl

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Q: How do you go underground in Pokemon platinum?
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No. The underground is only in Pearl, Diamond and Platinum.

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You have to go into the GTS once

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go to your menu and click go up.

Can you can go underground in Pokemon platinum?

yes. you talk to the underground man in eterna city in the house next to the Pokemon center and he will give you a kit and you use it to go underground.

Where is underground in Pokemon platinum?

Underground,But If You Wanted To Go Underground Go To Eterna City,And In One Of The Houses,There Is A Man Who Gives You A Explorer Pack,And With That You Can Go Underground.

Can you get cranidos in Pokemon Platinum?

go underground get a skull fossil and get it restored

Where can you find stones on Pokemon platinum?

You can find stones Underground. You take the explorer kit and then go underground.

How do you get the platinum flag in the underground on Pokemon platinum?

take 50 flags in the underground

How do you get the sun stone in Pokemon platinum?

go underground and dig one up

Where can you find a fossil on Pokemon platinum?

Go underground and dig one up.