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You can get them underground.

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Q: Where to get yellow shards in Pokemon platinum?
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Related questions

How many shards are in Pokemon Platinum?

There are four shards in Pokemon Platinum- red, blue, green and yellow. They can all be found in the Underground.

What colors are all shards in Pokemon platnium?

The color shards you can find in Pokemon Platinum are Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Shards.

How do you get the TM dive in platinum?

You cannot find it as a hm in platinum but some Pokemon can learn it naturally. You can get from the move tutor on route 212 for 2 red shards, 4 blue shards and 2 yellow shards. HOPE THIS HELPS

How many shards are there in Pokemon Platinum?

There are four shards in Pokemon Platinum which are the red, blue, green and yellow shards. These can all be found in the Underground and they are also held by certain Pokemon. I know that Corsola can hold a red shard and that Relicanth can hold a green shard. The shards can be traded with various move tutors who will teach your Pokemon an attack in exchange for a certain combination of shards. The three move tutors are found on Route 212, in Snowpoint City and in the Survival Area.

What does a yellow shard do in Pokemon Platinum?

You can give your shards to people in various houses around Sinnoh. They all have a sign outside saying 'Shards wanted!' To get you started, there is one on the beach east of Pastoria.

Where do you find shards in Pokemon platinum?

Mining and digging Underground.

What are shards for In Pokemon platinum?

shards can be used to trade with other people. in return, they may teach your Pokemon moves. there are 3 move tutors in Pokemon platinum that will teach your Pokemon moves in exchange for shards in a specific color.

What shards do you need to teach Ancientpower to a Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

You need 6 Red Shards and 2 Green Shards in order for the Move Tutor in Pokémon Platinum to teach Ancientpower to 1 of your Pokémon.

Where can you buy shards in Pokemon ruby?

They can't be bought. You can find them underwater, or attached to wild pokemon. Chinchou have yellow shards, Clamperl have blue shards, Relicanth have green shards and Corsola have red shards.

What are the purposes of shards in platinum?

if a Pokemon holds a plate (arceus) and a Pokemon uses flail the shards restore the plate because flail breaks the plate.

What do you do with the color shards in Pokemon platinum?

You can trade them to the move tutors so that your Pokemon can learn different moves.

How to get a red shard in Pokemon Platinum?

You can either dig them up in the Undergound or you can find them on the ground all over Sinnoh by using the Dowsing App. on the Poketch.