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What do you mean by "How do you go to Pokemon"? To buy a game, just go to like GameStop to mybye find an older one, or just go to Target to get a newer game.

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you can't you have to go to the Pokemon center and go to bebe's PC

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You have to go to the Pokemon center, then go into the computer and then go into someones PC then go on deposit Pokemon. This will let you put Pokemon from your team into the PC. Then click on withdraw this will let you take Pokemon from your PC and put them into your team.

How do you catch Pokemon in

who cares about Pokemon valcano go on or Pokemon tppc rpg[type in Google]. who cares about Pokemon valcano go on Pokemon or Pokemon tppc rpg[type in Google]. who cares about Pokemon valcano go on Pokemon or Pokemon tppc rpg[type in Google].

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you can't, only ruby Pokemon can go to diamod. but diamond Pokemon can't go to ruby

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go to Pokemon center, go down to where it says Pokemon swap and move Pokemon from your party to the PC.

Can you go to the hoeonn in Pokemon SoulSilver?

No, you cannot go to Hoenn in Pokemon SoulSilver, but you can still get the Hoenn legendaries. Pokemon SoulSilver is a copy of Pokemon Silver, and you can only go to Johto and Kanto.

Where do Pokemon GO to in Pokemon Black and White 2 after sending them from the Dream Radar?

The Pokemon will go to the PC Box

What do you do when you beat Pokemon trainer red in Pokemon soul silver?

you go to pallat town and go to prof.oak and get a Pokemon