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go to the top left corner and some where there will be a sign that says Galactic Warehouse NO TRESPASSING and on the right of the sign there will be a house go in it and fid your way through, soon you will be in team galactic veilstone buildingp.s. remember to get galactic key

hope i helped

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Q: How do you go into galactic veilstone building?
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How do you get the Galactic Key in Pokemon Pearl?

After you beat the 7th gym, Snowpoint Gym, go to Veilstone City. Go to the Veilstone Galactic Building, which is the building at the North end of Veilstone on top of the stairs. There should be a Grunt in front of the building. If you talk to him, he will drop a key to the Storage Houses. The Storage Houses are to the East of Veilstone City and is surrounded by boxes. The Galactic Key should be hidden somewhere in there.

Where is the key for the team galactic veil stone building?

When you go to the team galactic veilstone building there will be a galactic grunt and you talk to him then he'll run away and he accidentally drops a key.

How do you get the Storage key in Pokemon Platinum?

u catch girantina and then after that you go to veilstone city and go talk to the team galactic person in front of the galactic warehouse I think galactic warehouse it is one on the team galactic places in veilstone city and then he will go somewhere and drop a key which it will be the storage key. Hope this helped and sorry I cant think of the name of the team galactic place it is the biggest building of the team galactic places (in veilstone city)

Where do you go after Acuity Lake?

You fly Veilstone City go to the Galactic building and talk to the Galactic member outside the warehouse.... YOU MUST DO THAT he will then drop the warehouse key (which is also located in veilstone city and continue from there. Hope dat helped (=

How do you get through the Magikarp in lake valor?

you beat the snowpoint gymleader. then go to veilstone and go to the big fancy galactic building and talk to this guy in front of it and he will drop a storage key. get it and go to the warehouse in veilstone and open the door. go down and battle the galactic ppl and you can easily figure the rest out!!

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Were do you get galactic key in Pokemon platinum?

When you go to the galactic building in veilstone' go through the it and you will eventuly find it

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After you beat the 7th gym, Snowpoint Gym, go to Veilstone City. Go to the Veilstone Galactic Building, which is the building at the North end of Veilstone on top of the stairs. There should be a Grunt in front of the building. If you talk to him, he will drop a key to the Storage Houses. The Storage Houses are to the East of Veilstone City and is surrounded by boxes. The Galactic Key should be hidden somewhere in there.

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Go to veilstone in the galactic building I think

Where is the key for the team galactic veil stone building?

When you go to the team galactic veilstone building there will be a galactic grunt and you talk to him then he'll run away and he accidentally drops a key.

How do you get in team galactic headquarters?

You talk to the galactic grunt and he will run away. Then go to the small building to the left and the looker will be there. Follow the looker and getthe galactic key. Now you can get in the door in the galactic building in veilstone.

Where is Cyrus on diamond?

Cyrus is in the galactic building in veilstone

How do you find the second key for the warehouse in veilstone?

talk to the team galactic guy in front of the team galactic building.(In veilstone city)

How do you get the Storage key in Pokemon Platinum?

u catch girantina and then after that you go to veilstone city and go talk to the team galactic person in front of the galactic warehouse I think galactic warehouse it is one on the team galactic places in veilstone city and then he will go somewhere and drop a key which it will be the storage key. Hope this helped and sorry I cant think of the name of the team galactic place it is the biggest building of the team galactic places (in veilstone city)

Where is the galactic grunt that drops the storage key?

He is next to the satellite by the veilstone Galactic building

Where is the storage key in Veilstone diamond?

if you past the 7th gym then go back to veilstone city then go right and the go up then you se a guy next to the galactic Veilstone building then he drop his storage key.

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You Go to the building next to Galactic Veilstone Quarters and Follow the track until you meet Cyrus, The Leader of Team Galactic

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go to the galactic building in Veilstone City