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You can't you have to defeat Sensei first to get into the ninja hideout theres no way around without defeating Sensei first, trust me hes easy to beat when you get the black belt.

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Q: How do you go in the dojo doo r with out defeating sensei?
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How do you meet sensei?

go to the dojo

Dose sensei go somewhere else than the dojo?

In rare events sensei will go to the ninja hideout(on busy servers) so you can get his background. there are only 2 places sensei can go, they are the dojo and the ninja hideout

How do you get into sensei's room Club Penguin?

The Dojo You can see the Sensei in the Dojo, located at the top of) the Club Penguin map! Once inside, scroll over the cushion and Banner (On banner: Card Jitsu Sensei's Igloo (12 month members only) 1: Go to the Dojo 2: Challenge Sensei 5 times 3: Click Enter ??? 4: You should now be in Sensei's Igloo! We don't know what you mean by Sensei's Room!

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Go to the dojo and click on Robin Sensei, then do whatever she tells you to.......

How do you play card jitsu?

You go to the Dojo and Click on the Sensei. then click Earn My Belts.

How do you fight a ninja on Club Penguin?

go to the dojo and see the sensei and click earn your belt

Getting a black mask in club penguin?

Go to the Dojo and see Sensei. Earn your belts one by one, and then, when you get to blackbelt, beat Sensei and you get a mask.

How do you become ninja on Club Penguin?

You will have to play card jitsu. First, go to the Dojo Courtyard on the map. Then go in the dojo and see that green pillow with the sensei on it? Go up to him and he will give you decks of cards.

Who is sensei on cp?

Sensei is the master of card jitsu and owns the dojo in club penguin If he's online, go to a crowded server and go to the ninja hideout, the fire dojo, or the dojo. If u see a large crowd, he's probably there. If you find him, look on his player card where there would usually be a smiley face there will be a box, then click it, you will receive a background.

How do you get into the secret room in the dojo courtyard on club penguin?

You rank up to the black belt and then you verse Sensei. If you win against Sensei you become a ninja! And then you Go to the dojo courtyard and waddle your penguin to the left and click on the door and your penguin will waddle to the secret room! Tada!

How do you get in the ninja hideout on Club Penguin?

First you have to earn all of your belts in the dojo. Then you have to chalange and beat the Sensei. Then you can go into the hide out.

How do you get a belt in club penguin?

go 2 the dojo on the map. then you have to go 2 sensei and click on battle other people or something like that. when u have a black belt 2 be a ninja you have to battle sensei and win (not that hard; u just have 2 have a strategy) then u can go into that place outside the dojo (it's no fun if you'd not a member).