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You Have To Be A Member, And A Ninja and buy the amulet and then go into fire Dojo

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Q: How do you get to the fire dojo?
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How do you get to the water dojo?

It has not come out yet and if it did you have to be a member and finish the fire dojo.

How do you play the water dojo in club penguin?

You must be a member that has a amulet and a fire gem that you can get at the fire dojo by beating sensei.

How do you get to the water dojo in club penguin?

Just like the fire dojo. You go to the hideout and click the water stone and the door to the water dojo should come up just like the fire dojo door. Then go in there and you're at the water dojo. P.S. members only

How do you go to the new fire dojo without being a member?

The only way to do that is to become a member, buy the amulet, then when your membership expires you will be able to enter the fire dojo, because the amulet is the key to the dojo.

Why is there a fire dojo in club penguin but not a water dojo or a snow dojo?

There is also a water dojo now. Other dojos may have not come out yet, or are just not to Club Penguin's satisfaction.

Where s the fire dojo in club penguin?

The Volcano, or Fire Dojo as it is more commonly known, can only be accessed by ninjas that are also members. The Ninja Hideout is next to the Dojo and the Fire Door in the Ninja Hideout will take you to it. As I mentioned above, only members can access it.

Do you get anything for beating the sensei in the fire dojo?

Yes, you get a fire gem for your amulet.

How do you get the lava boots on club penguin?

fire dojo

How come no members can go in fire dojo?

Members can go in the Dojo. But I really don't understand your question. only non members can't go in any dojo's

Who is the fire sensei on CP?

The fire sensei is just Sensei from the regular Dojo but wearing a fire suit.

Where is the fire dojo on Club Penguin?

First, go to the Ninja Hideout right next to the dojo, then click on the red tablet with a flame on it ( close to the door of the hideout), then a door will pop up and click on it to walk into it. ( the fire dojo is a members only room).

How do you meet sensei on Club Penguin?

down under fire dojo or on top of dojo or hide out penguin name Merit222