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It has not come out yet and if it did you have to be a member and finish the fire dojo.

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Q: How do you get to the water dojo?
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Water dojo on Club Penguin?

There is no water dojo but there will be soon

How can you get to water dojo in Club Penguin?

There Is No Water Dojo In Club Penguin. There Might Be One In The Future, But As Of Right Now, There Is No Water Dojo.

How do you get to the water dojo in club penguin?

Just like the fire dojo. You go to the hideout and click the water stone and the door to the water dojo should come up just like the fire dojo door. Then go in there and you're at the water dojo. P.S. members only

How do you get in the water dojo without being a member?

There's no such thing as a water dojo! Liliangirl1 answers: yes there a water dojo on club penguin but you have to be a member to go in there.

Where is the water dojo?

the water dojo is inside the ninja hideout.

Why is there a fire dojo in club penguin but not a water dojo or a snow dojo?

There is also a water dojo now. Other dojos may have not come out yet, or are just not to Club Penguin's satisfaction.

Can you get to the snow dojo?

Presently in 2012 the 'Water dojo' has been released but no signs of snow dojo. But you never know it might come in 2013

Club penguin how to get water dojo?

Go to the dojo, Waddle to the left and there you are.You need to be a ninja to get in though 2013 Edit: If you've been a member for quite some time (Like myself, since 2009), you will have an automatic entrance to the Fire Dojo, Water Dojo, and Snow Dojo.

Where is the entrance to the Water Dojo on Club Penguin?

The water dojo is in the dojo at the top of the map. Go to the dojo then click on the Small building with the snow fire and water picture. now once your in there click on the stone with water then a door will appear. walk into that door and your there!

How do you get in water dojo club penguin online?

The water dojo has not yet been created on club penguin online. It may be on video games but like the fire dojo i read in the blog next year it will come out.

How do you become a water ninja?

you cant because there is no water dojo

When is there a water dojo?

there isn't one yet