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You can do this on servers by quite simply typing in /gamemode 0. /gamemode 0 sets you into survival mode, /gamemode 1 sets you into creative mode and /gamemode 2 sets you into adventure mode. In singleplayer, if you didn't enable cheats when creating the world, you can press Esc and then click on the 'open to LAN' button. When you do this you will need to turn cheats on and then click on 'Start LAN World'. Now you can enter all the commands I previously said.

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Q: How do you go from creative to survival in minecraft?
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/gamemode 1 yournameHit the chat key and type it in. Use 0 to go back to survival.

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Start a new world then go to the button directly under where you name the worl and click on it until it says creative.

How do you craft in pocket minecraft?

You can in Survival Mode, but not Creative Mode because in Creative, you have all the blocks and such you need, but in Survival, you don't get everything when you start. Hope the helped!