In your control panel, go to "Remove/Uninstall a Program" and select Zwinky to uninstall it.
Zwinky installs adware/spyware on your computer, though it probably does not have an actual virus. Some of the adware/spyware it installsmay be difficult to get off your computer once it has been installed.
yes, zwinky is safe. I use to have it but i deleted it because it would take hours to load.
IT usually makes your Computer Slow
No, you can't download zwinky on a mac. Wondering why? It's because mac computers don't use exe files and it has DOS mode. Therefore you can not download zwinky on a mac.
It took many computer smart game creaters to make such a thing as zwinky. The most famous people are Miss Casey and Mister E. those two people do have accounts and can be found in zwinky from time to time. :) thank u for having zwinky
no it has a virus mine got a virus off that
Zwinky installs adware/spyware on your computer, though it probably does not have an actual virus. Some of the adware/spyware it installsmay be difficult to get off your computer once it has been installed.
yes, zwinky sends you spam and it jacks with your computer. i had a zwinky and it made my whole computer crash. i sugest not getting one.
The reason is that it is stealing information off your computer...
go to start, control panel,and add and remove programs. select zwinky and delete it
My answer:=No there is a big risk of downloading zwinky because my computer got a virus and the guy said it was zwinky that caused it so if i were u don't down load zwinky.=
just go 2 zwinky .com thts wat i do sincerly brandybean
Well, first of all, if your computer has security protection and watches for websites that could cause viruses, then Zwinky could of been blocked be the computer software. You could try creating a new Zwinky, and if that doesn't work, look for troubleshooting tips on other Q&A websites and the Zwinky website. There might also be a way to contact (email) a employee at Zwinky.
As long as you have Zwinky downloaded onto your computer, and you have a working internet connection, anytime...***: &you havee to be 13 , ... DO NOT forget that (; .
yes it does
yes it does it will couse your computer to be infected
Yes, it does. It has Adware. And, it infected my computer.