

Best Answer

easy tell them something needs cleaning

read the answer i wrote about the xbox and you will find out

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Q: How do you get your parents to let you play the Wii?
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How do you get your parents to let you play wii?

to get them to let you play it, you have to ask them what needs to be done around the house. If you don't have many chores to do just do them. You might get bored doing chores, but just think in your head I want to play the wii. I am trying to get my parents to let us play our wii too. My mom will let me, but i just need to convince my dad. If this doesn't work, try to tell them all the good things about the wii like it is good exercise, or we can play together and have fun and not get bored all the time.

Why don't a lot of parents let children play wii games online?

Because they are stupid and over-protective

What games let you use your Wii character?

Wii Sports Mario Party 8 Wii Play Animal Crossing City Folk

What should I do if my parents won't let me play GTA V?

If you can't convince your parents to let you play that, then find something else to do.

How do you get your parents to play the wii with you?

Teach them how to use it, and play a game they would be interested in. Get the whole family involved!

Can you put a GameCube game in a Wii?

Yes although only older Wii's will actually let you play the games.

Are Kids Allowed To Play The Wii?

Of course!! But some parents don't allow you to play the Wii so you gotta listen to them! Some games are even made for kids!

My Wii game will load but won't let me play what do i do?

I don't know, mine won't let me either!

Is The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks out on Wii?

No, but you can get a special piece of hardware that will let you play any DS games on Wii,

Can you play a game for Nintendo wii on a Nintendo GameCube?

no, the disk drive isn't even big enough to fit a wii disk, let alone read or play it.

Your Wii won't let you play online Call of Duty Modern Warfare reflex?

Nintendo stopped their online services for the wii.

Is interactive buddy for Wii?

yes to play it go to on the wii internet and it should let you play interactive buddy. Ps you need wi-fi internet connection