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login and be a tycoon bye

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Q: How do you get your own plaza on binweevils?
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Where do people get a plaza on binweevils?

You have to be a tycoon to get a plaza

How do you get a binweevils plaza?

you have to be a tycoon then you get one.

How do you get a plaza on binweevils?

you have to be a tycoon then you get one.

How do you put a night club in your plaza on binweevils?

go onto your plaza and click the house sighn

How do you get out of a plaza on binweevils?

When you are in your plaza one side of it has a round blue thing click on it then you will go back to your nest.

How do you make a plaza on binweevils?

you need to be a tycoon . then you just click on the for sale sign and buy stuff from tycoons island.

How do you open your clubs in your plaza on binweevils?

i didn't know

Why is there a sign near your plaza and how do you move it on binweevils?

The sign is there to open and close your plaza to other weevils. You can't move it, only you can see it anyway.

How do you make a plaza when you can't see my tycoon teleporter on binweevils?

you cant you haft to be a tycoon

How do you buy stuff for your night club in your plaza on binweevils?

go to tycoon island and it saiz night club stuff.

Where is tycoon plaza at binweevils?

Outside the Bin Weevil shopping mall click the tycoon top to go to tycoon plazas.

How do you get rid of the stop signs in your tycoon plaza on binweevils?

if you go to tycoon island and go in night club first get the outside decrotions