I'm pretty sure you can't but you can just move to another house or lot and get a another one that way.
The code for the game is on the back of the manual. If you do not have the code you cannot install.
You don't. Maybe you should take care of it in the first place and you wouldn't have this problem.
It's on the back of your game guide. There is no legal way to acquire a code without buying the game.
You can't. Once your sim is pregnant there is no going back, so you better be sure before you try for one!
If you mean how do you get the family back after you put them in the family bin... you cant... sorry! You either have to make another family or leave it!
it is not on the case its on the back of the booklet that they gave you
I don't think you can
if you do the BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled true cheat get the tombstone of L&D (life and death)click on it clike get me pregnant with... Then go back to it and say speed up my pregnency
The code is on the back of the booklet inside the case. I know because I have The Sims 2 Double Deluxe.
Don't think you can, sorry.
no actually, the sims 2 double deluxe includes sims 2 celebration stuff, sims 2 nightlife AND the SIMS 2 so u are too dumb to look on the back.
It could be in either one of two places, first on the outside of the CD case or it would be on the back of the booklet that came in the CD case or box.
There is a booklet in the case of the Sims 2 disk and on the back of that booklet there is a series of letters and numbers on the top of the page, you just enter that when it tells you to.
its on the very back of the manual at the top
its on the back of the instruction manual
No, you can not play Sims 2 Pets without Sims 2. You either need Sims 2, Sims 2 Holiday Edition, Sims 2 Deluxe, Sims 2 Double Deluxe. Since Sims 2 Pets is an expansion pack, you need to have at least one of the following of the sims 2 i mentioned above. All of them have the regular, basic Sims 2. Hope this helps you!!