There is nothing you can physically do. The clan leader needs to assign you a higher ranking.
click at the multiple happy faces on your bar then you click edit clan and type your clan name in and edit all your settings.
Click your playercard then click clan tag and you can make up a tag for yourself.
click the 3 yellow people and click clan set up then just click the name of the clan and it should pop up an empty space (just like it does when you enter in a new friends name) and type in the name you want =] that's how u make your firsts clan name. to change you clan name go to the clan camp and talk to scribe ( the guy with the vexillum) click on him then hit more and it is the top option
I think the best clan is Draco Clan or UFR Clan.
Ranking up...
A clan in halo is a gaming group, comprised of a leader, a second in command, and; varying from clan to clan; other ranks/classes. A clan may be competitive, social, *creative, **based upon something, etc. A clan may have a website/homepage which may/may not require you to join to be in the clan. *- Forge, Machinima, Screenshots, etc. **- An all elite (Sangheili) clan which follows the same ranking system as seen in the story.
It works when you do clan battles via the clan wars arena, if a clan beats another clan in the arena their kill ratio goes up, if they get defeated then their death ratio goes up.
If you pay the $50.00 to get 'Premium' COD Elite membership, then you can form a clan, or participate in a clan, which can level up over time. As the clans levels up, paying members earn double XP, and special titles and emblems etc. To level up the clan, you have to get 'founders' (people who were COD Elite Premium members from the start) to join the clan, and / or sign up to have the clan participate in clan challenges and competitions. People who are 'free' members of COD ELITE can join clans, but their efforts do not help level up the clan.
be a BAMF
No only clan ops and founders can help level up your clan
a man who was high-ranking in the tribe. he was called a chief. only men could be chiefs, but both men and women could be "leaders".
look it up on wikipeda. org, but look under naruto or Shin- Clan!
When you start the game up join clan ROSS sub clan of ROSB and ROS the leader of this clan is Dom he will show you the way and help build and grow :)
click at the multiple happy faces on your bar then you click edit clan and type your clan name in and edit all your settings.
LEAF clan is now gone, and copy-cat clans have sprung up. LEAF clan was THE LARGEST clan in Toontown history, and was a kind clan that helped others and stopped hackers. The clan was actually a secret up until around 2006. Since the clan is gone now, you can't join it. To join the Leaf Clan, first you make a green toon ( any shade ). Next you pick any clothes you want. Finally, you name your toon ______ Leaf or Rainbow's ______.
Click your playercard then click clan tag and you can make up a tag for yourself.
Clan code is a unique code given to each clan for its identification, you can look up for a certain clan (as there are many clans with same name), it contains numbers, letters and this '#' symbol at the starting.