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How To Get Your Baby To Turn Its Head On My Baby Girl

  1. Take the rattle and shake it to the left
  2. Then shake it to the right
  3. Then to the center
  4. Next you know how to make the baby follow your hand well make it follow the rattle
  5. Then pull the rattle out farther out of the babys feild of vision and then that should do it
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Q: How do you get your baby to look by turning her head on the Nintendo game your baby girl?
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Go to the game makers "Game Support" page for that game and they list several questions and their answers including yours. The site is:

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i hate the same exact problem..i think its a glitch im taking my game back the baby is unhappy try rubbing her tummyor her head it will make it better!!

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No, they are not the same, because imagine babies is a babysitting game, and my baby girl is a game where you raise your own baby.

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Sry but I am not really sure about that one♫Sry but I am not really sure about that one♫

In the Nintendo ds game My Baby Girl how do you get rid of the exclamation point when trying to change the diaper?

you have to talk softly in to the microphone and rub its legs alot and then it will smile then you can change its diaper

In the Nintendo ds game My Baby Girl how do you get rid of the exclamation point when trying to give it a bath?

you have to talk softly into the microphone and rub her legs and tummy until she smiles then you can wash is not a glitch!!

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I have My Baby Girl and what you do is you hold the object by the baby's hand until it grabs it then it will play with it. -lilly-

In the Nintendo DS game your baby girl there is a exclamation point how do you get it off?

you need to speak softly into the microphone and rub her legs and belly until she smiles, then you can change her diaper or bathe her...hope this helps it did for me!

How do you get level 5 month old baby to rollover in the Nintendo ds My Baby Girl game?

You click on the babys tummy or back i forgot and click while pulling across tummy or back over and over then she or he will roll over i hope i helped!

What is the best game for Nintendo ds?

it depends on what type of games you like i like shooting games on D.S and by the way new great games keep coming so you better keep a good eye