Buy them in the Gift Shop or unlock them with a code. But I dont think the white shoes are in any of the Treasure Books. Wait a few months for the next Clothing Catalog and see if its there.
This answer is unknown in Club Penguin history. You cannot play any games with a white puffle on Club Penguin
Found the answer out !!! LOL
ok, personally, i have a white ipod on club enguin, but there is no code to get it but penguin storm may let you get it when it's in the catalog.
You can turn ur penguin white but there were some people doing it a few months ago and they got banned.. so were gonna have to wait until white will come out.
Yes, recently Club Penguin has made white puffles available for members. but they can be very shy so don't expect it to be like anyother puffle it is very violent
the Gift Shop
the best shoes on club penguin are the orange checkered shoe!! i hope this helped!
um u get it from sparkle dash house she is a member
no not at all
There was not white puffles in club penguin but now there is
No, the white puffle is not the rarest puffle on Club Penguin.
There is currently no white puffle on Club Penguin, and it will be publically announced to the Club Penguin players so they will be able to adopt them.
This answer is unknown in Club Penguin history. You cannot play any games with a white puffle on Club Penguin
Its impossible there is no way to get nonmember shoes you have to be a member.
Free shoes is everywhere but when there's a party