Tyrogue always evolves at Level 20 into either Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop. Tyrogue evolves into Hitmonchan if its Defense is higher than its Attack, it evolves into Hitmonlee if its Attack is higher than its Defense and it evolves into Hitmontop if both stats are the same.
The three mirage Pokemon are azelf mesprit and uxie they are located at the three lakes in the sinnoh region
azelf / find him at one of the three lakes by Charles Austin hanks
A total of three Pokemon evolve using the Fire Stone: Vulpix, Eevee, and Growlithe.
Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are the Generation 3 games. Diamond is Generation 4, with Pearl and Platinum.
You go to the three caves and catch them.
Begginer Pokemon can be obtained in three ways: -At the beginning of the game when you choose your starter Pokemon -Trading with other trainers locally or over the Gts -Or breeding the evolutions ofthe begginer Pokemon with the same Pokemon in there egg group.
A better question would be what Pokemon CAN'T you get. Just about all of them are obtainable, except for the following: The three Kanto starters and their evolutions Mewtwo Mew The three Johto starters and their evolutions Murkrow and Honchkrow Misdreavus and Mismagius The three Johto Legends (Entei, Raikou, Suicune) Lugia Ho-Oh Celebi The three Hoenn starters and their evolutions Trapinch and it's evolutions Clamperl and it's evolutions Latias and Latios The Weather Legendaries (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza) Jirachi Deoxys Glameow and Purugly Stunky and Skuntank This leaves a grand total of 56 Pokemon that are unobtainable by normal means.
All three are very good, but I'd suggest Oshawott for power, looks and evolutions
there are three evolutions from eevee with stones. Jolteon with a thunderstone Vaporeon with a water stone Flareon with a fire stone. all three stones can be dug up underground with the explorer kit the thunderstone can also be found in Sunnyshore City
No Charizard is the final of three Pokemon evolutions exp. charmander-charmeleon-charizard hope this helps
The three starting Pokemon to choose from in Pokemon Diamond are: Chimchar(Fire), Piplup(Water) and Turtwig(Grass).
It gOes either one of the three from tyrougue but if it's hitmonlee then it can evolve again into hitmonchan or hitmontop
turtwig,piplup,and chimchar are diomonds three starting pokemon
they are chimchar, piplup and turtwig
gardevoir does not evolve in any Pokemon game because a Pokemon can only have a maximum of 2 evolutions and gardevoir is the last evolution of ralts because ralts evolves into kirlia and kirlia evolves into gardevoir ill use three Pokemon as an example one that has 2 evolutions one that has 1 evolution and one that has no evolutions 2 evolutions: turtwig- turtwig has 2 evolutions because turtwig evolves into grotle and grotle evolves into tortara 1 evolution: shieldon- shieldon evolves into bastiodon no evolutions: mew- mew has no evolutions and you may think that mew has an evolution wich would be mewtwo right? well mew does not evolve into mewtwo because mewtwo is just mews clone not mews evolution
at the midle of the three lakes at the midle of the three lakes
Trade it from another game.