While its a Tyrogue give it Protein to boost its attack power. This is required for it to become Hitmonlee when it reaches level 20.
get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
Either trade or evolve the Tyrogue you can obtain into one of them. Without trading you can only get one. I suggest Hitmonlee though.
Tyrogue always evolves at Level 20 into either Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop. Tyrogue evolves into Hitmonchan if its Defense is higher than its Attack, it evolves into Hitmonlee if its Attack is higher than its Defense and it evolves into Hitmontop if both stats are the same.
You can only obtain hitmonlee by evolving tyrogue. Tyrogue is obtained in Mt. Mortar. Source: Bulbapedia
He doesn't evolve,you have to evolve tyrogue
Breed either hitmonchan or hitmonlee and you will receive an egg hatch it to get tyrogue.
Tyrogue evolves into Hitmonlee when its attack is higher than its defense. Therefore, you should give it Protein to increase its attack stat.
You need to evolve Hitmonlee from Tyrogue. To do that, Tyrogue must have a higher attack than defense stat once he reaches level 20. If that is the case, he will evolve into a Hitmonlee.Evolve Tyrogue when A>D (whatever that means)
get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
I'm sorry, your Hitmonlee isn't going to evolve. It evolves from Tyrogue, and Tyrogue evolves into two things other than (not before) Hitmonlee, so an egg might be helpful. I hope this helps a little.
Yes, you can get Hitmonlee. You cannot catch Hitmonlee by himself, however. You must obtain Tyrogue from the Karate Master first. If, when Tyrogue evolves at level 20, his attack stat is higher than his defense stat, he will evolve into a Htmonlee.
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
You cannot catch Tyrogue. Leave a Ditto and the Pokemon you chose from the Saffron City Dojo (Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan) and wait until they have an egg. Tyrogue will hatch from the egg.Yes you can just go to 4 island and put a ditto and hitmonchan or hitmonlee in the daycare center .Your choise.Anyways you get hitmonlee or hitmonchan in the fighting dojo at saffron city