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In Pokmon Soul Silver, you need to get Larvitar first. ( Lv. 15-17 at Safari Zone, in Mountain Top Zone ), or in Mount Silver (Lv. 20ish).

You level Larvitar up, it evolves into Pupitar at Lv. 30, and Tyranitar at Lv. 55.

I have a Lv. 52 Pupitar, and its stats are decent. But it has a higher Special Attack than attack so I'd recommend teaching him Dark Pulse, (a move learned as he levels up).

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Q: How do you get tyranatar?
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there isn't a code to get a tyranitar i know where there is one and that is in the hippowdon temple and that is when you have to do that maze you go in the left door to catch him because you need him to destroy a rock in the other doorway but he is still available after the game

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You can't, normally. The only way to get it normally is in Diamond, Route 207 with the PokeRadar. You catch it as a larvitar. So, either trade or hack, I guess. Try the GTS, but beware, there are a lot of rip-off deals there.