beat the game with one charicter and have all seven chaos emeralds
you can't download it you have to have a gameboy advance with sonic advance 1 or 2 and you transfer your chao in the tiny chao garden on the gameboy advance using a cable(i don't remember wath sort of cable) NOTE:Works only on the GC version
The game automatically saves the furthest act you ever got to. You can save the Tiny Chao Garden.
No but you can do the opoosite you have to go in the tiny chao garden and hook a gcn to gba cable and play sab2 then go to the chao garden and go to the gameboy choose pick up and choose the rings.
Use action replay
You can't purchase a Silver Egg in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle in the Black Market. So you have to get one from the Tiny Chao Garden in Sonic Advance. You need a Game Boy Advance-Nintendo Gamecube Link Cable to connect. Buy a Silver Egg in the Game Boy Advance and on the Gamecube, step on the red button on the Chao Transporter. Then select Pick Up. The GBA has to be turned ON. Then select the Silver Egg and then select Pick Up at the bottom. You will now have a Silver Egg into your Chao Garden. A Silver Egg is only 500 rings. Or sonic adventure DX has a free silver chao! Ok with sonic or tails go to the mystic ruins and so to the lake. Over their to your left you will see a weird stone thing. Push it (by walking against it). Then turn to the waterfall their you will see another rock release from it. Then it will float to shore and pick it up and take it to the chao garden! (Make sure you take it to the mystic ruins chao garden) then transport it to the gameboy to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and done!!
You can only have one chao in each version of Tiny Chao Garden sorry (They are in Sonic Advance, Sonic Advance 2, and Sonic Pinball).
you can't download it you have to have a gameboy advance with sonic advance 1 or 2 and you transfer your chao in the tiny chao garden on the gameboy advance using a cable(i don't remember wath sort of cable) NOTE:Works only on the GC version
it is an evolution egg, where a child stage Chao is turning into an adult Chao
If you have a gameboy advance and a link to the gamecube and the gba then you could send chao into tiny chao garden in sonic advance and then put them back in the other game. It works!
Get a Gameboy and Gamecube hook up link cable. You can get one from gamestop for example. A link to gamestop's link cable is in the related links. Go to the thing you can put Chao in and choose "Transfer Chao". Make sure you are in the Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure.
To get an Onyx Chao in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is to have Sonic Advance 1 or 2 (Tiny Chao Garden) and a GBA link cable to transfer it to the Gamecube. It costs 20,000 rings and it's a little rare. But it can be found at the shop in the Tiny Chao Garden. Hope this helps!
because you need the one pack the double pack hacks your game
The game automatically saves the furthest act you ever got to. You can save the Tiny Chao Garden.
No but you can do the opoosite you have to go in the tiny chao garden and hook a gcn to gba cable and play sab2 then go to the chao garden and go to the gameboy choose pick up and choose the rings.
you have to buy sonic adventure dx, sonic adventure 2 battle, or pantasy star online. sonic advenure dx and sonic 2 battle are for gamecube or you can play them on wii with a controller and a memory card and a gameboy cable.
Use action replay
Buy the black egg from the shop in the Tiny Chao Garden on Sonic Advance, SA II, Sonic Pinball, and SA III for 20,000 rings. Then send it to SA2 with the GC/GBA cable.