The locations are:
The Cold Storage, just south of Driftveil City.
Dreamyard, east of Striaton City.
Chargestone Cave, between Route 6 and Mistralton City.
Route 14, between White Forest and Undella Bay.
The Relic Castle, west of Route 4.
Route 18, to the far west of Route 1.
Tornadus isn't in Pokemon white, so you have to trade from Pokemon black... if you get Thundurus and tornadus, go to the abundant shrine and the third one will be there. i cant remember his name though...
There is no official game yet, but there are rumors that there will be a Pokemon Gray version in a year or two, similar to Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Crystal, as if it becomes real, it will be the third game in the Pokemon Black and White games.
Nintendo has announced that there will not be a third game to be grouped with Black and White. There will not be a Grey.
you have to get to the bottom
Ghetsis should be in front of Black City for Pokemon Black.
The sage is located in Undella Town. To get to it, you need to go to the water and go up the waterfall.
You just have to find them. Sage 1 - Dreamyard, in a previously inaccessible area, Sage 2 - Relic Castle, Sage 3 - Chargestone Cave, third level, Sage 4 - Cold Storage, inside a container, Sage 5 - Route 17, on the westernmost island, Sage 6 - Route 14, you need 'Waterfall' to reach him, Ghetsis - Captured at the end of the main plot, but escaped and can't be found (until Pokemon Grey, perhaps).
He just comes to capture him.
You walk up and down route 14 and after a couple of minutes, you'll find sage.
In Pokemon Black/White Versions there is only Six Plazma Sages To Discover
the third gram is with a parsol lady justb talk to her
check all the piers
Bennett White goes by Bennett the Sage, and The Sage.
Terrakion in Victory Road.
White sage is called "ವೈಟ್ ಸೇಜ್" (vait sej) in Kannada.
Bellsprout Tower, the last sage will give it to you after you beat him
The Third Sage is Princess Ruto of the Zoras, the Sage of Water, who you rescue from the Water Temple.