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a marker on your map appears, its southeast of the imperial city. it should be on a small island, and you should be able to find you way from there its not right there, but its down the river, SW of the imperial city. ------------ it's in the middle of niben bay and it will only be there if you have the expansion pack. also, once you've installed it, a pop-up should appear after a while of playing, putting a marker on your map, showing you where it is ------------ These 2 are correct, but you have to have the shivering isles expansion pack.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

First you need to have the Game of the Year Edition or the Shivering Isle Download. "A Strange Door" should be marked on you map. It is located in the middle of the lake near Bravil. Going through this portal brings you to the Shivering Isle.

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Q: How do you get to the shivering isles in oblivion?
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