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It is in Mahogany Town but you need to go to the lighthouse first and then go to Cianwood city battle the gym leader. Then help the girl in the lighthouse( Gym Leader) and then battle her in Olivine City's Gym then travel right of Ecruteak City and then you should be there. But first you gotta help Lance defeat team rocket in their hideout then the gym should be open!
First be sure that all of the other 6 are ddestroyed and then obliterate mahogany town team rocket plot and then crush the gym beneath your boot!:)

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Q: How do you get to the seventh gym in soulsilver?
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How do you get the seventh gym badge in SoulSilver?

beat pryce

What do you do after you beat the seventh gym on SoulSilver?

you go to blackthorne city and challenge the 8th gym there

Where is the seventh gym in soulsilver?

the 7th gym in Johto is in Mahogany town. And in Kanto the seafoam islands.

What do you do after the seventh Gym leader in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The eighth gym leader still awaits, as well as the whole of Kanto.

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You know that guy on Cinabbar Island who looks like gary? He is blue. After you get the seventh gym badge talk to him and he will go back to the gym and you can fight him.

Where is the seventh gym leader in Pokemon soulsilver?

Pryce, in Mahogy town. But first you have to defeat/capture the red garydos and the team Rocket Hideout before you can go into the gym.

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u need to push the snowballs around and find a path to her like to pryce the seventh gym leader in pokemon soulsilver and heartgold

Where is seventh gym leader in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Go east from Ecruteak City and Surf across to the other side of the water twice and will eventually arrive in Mahogany Town where the 7th gym is. 

How do you get to the seventh gym leader in SoulSilver?

first you have to beat team rocket in goldenrod city then go to mahogany town and that guy lets you pass him and that's all I know.Good luck! Go to Mahogany Town, beat Team Rocket there, and then you can get to the seventh gym leader.

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there is no 16th gym in soulsilver u dope....

Where is the seventh gym in Pokemon black?

the seventh gym is at sekka city

How do you get the seventh gym badge in Kanto in Pokemon Soulsilver?

you can get to blain in seafoam islands next to cinnabar island where you meet green/blue and if you talk to hom he says you have to beat blain