Turn on the power, then turn on all Defcon there are 4 of them. They are found in the war room on the walls 2 on the the top and 2 on the bottom. Then go into any teleporter within 30 seconds when you leave to getback in repeat.
Nothing only you can upgrade 5 guns in pack a punch in COD 5
you can only have 5 perks in cod black ops but there are 6 to choose from double tap (macks u shoot faster), quick revive, mule kick ( you get 3 guns ),speed cola , juggernog, , and pack a punch upgrades ur gun this only is for the map kino der toten
14.99 You must buy the First Strike Map Pack with 5 maps including Ascension
The single map is not available for purchase. You must buy and download the complete map pack for Escalation. It would be better to purchase Rezurrection with the 5 zombie maps including Moon and the 4 WAW maps redesigned for Black Ops if there are not features on Call of The Dead that you desire besides a zombie mode
ray gun obv the penetrator is good too I think it's the WunderWaffe DG-2.
defcon is a series of switches you need to activate in zombies, 5. activating all of them will result in the PAP.( pack a punch)
No, you can't. You might be able to if you find a hack/glitch, but originally, no.
Nothing only you can upgrade 5 guns in pack a punch in COD 5
There are only 4 DLCs or Map Packs for Call of Duty Black Ops
you can only have 5 perks in cod black ops but there are 6 to choose from double tap (macks u shoot faster), quick revive, mule kick ( you get 3 guns ),speed cola , juggernog, , and pack a punch upgrades ur gun this only is for the map kino der toten
The next map pack comes out in January 2013. It will consists of 3-5 multiplayer maps and one zombie map. If you have the Season pass for Black Ops 2 Nuketown 2025, zombies will be included free.
Defcons in real life Are levels of readiness of nuclear war ranging from 5-1 In black ops turning on all the defcons allows you to enter a bombshelter like room which contains the pack a punch machine which upgrades your guns
1200 Microsoft points, and will include 5 regular maps and one zombie map
14.99 You must buy the First Strike Map Pack with 5 maps including Ascension
you need 5000 points and if Ur on 5 activate all the death cons and go threw the telaporta if the other turn on power actavativt the tellaporter were you start and the go to the tlaporter PS the rooms u telaport in a f*** up
There will not even be a Map Pack 4 for the Game. The last Map Pack came out in August 2009 and the next Map Pack will be for Call of Duty Black Ops, the sequel to Call of Duty World at War
Moon does not come out. The Rezurrection map pack comes out on September 22 2011 and includes 5 maps including Moon and the 4 WAW zombie maps modified for Black Ops . You do not get Moon without the Rezurrection DLC from the Playstation store $15 download purchase unless you have the hardened or Prestige edition of Black Ops and get it free