You can't swim to the island while the shark is active. But you can get the ingredients to make a potion that will put him to sleep.
Gather the three ingredients (coconut milk, bone, and key ingredient) and take them to the medicine man, who will mix the potion in a coconut to feed the shark. Wear a grass skirt and he will help you.
(see related questions)
Mirage Island Game Shark CodeThere are no Gameshark Warp codes in Emerald to get to Mirage Island. There is a code but it will hardly work7572668C A25C844CUse this and maybe you can get there
go to the stage then when its the play 'The penguins that time forgot' then it will be on the 'caveman'
You have to have a cheat. (For example a game shark).Or you have to go to a Pokemon convention and they will give you a ticket to the island.
go to the tidal pool at night on the third island and fish in the deep area neer the waterfall. i caught a tiger shark using bamboo fishing pole
Megamouth shark is a rare shark species. It is a deepwater shark.
Shark tooth island is when you have to to save people from a giant shark
There are no mermaids in Shark Tooth island, you do go into the ocean
Shark Tooth Island was the second island on Poptropica and premiered in September, 2007.
Mask? What mask? There is no mask that you have to find in Shark Tooth Island, Poptropica.
how do you get past hte heiroglyphics in shark tooth island on poptropica
shark tooth island
In Poptropica, after you finish Shark Tooth Island, you can go to Time Tangled Island and go through such a fiasco!
Shark Tooth Island was the second Poptropica Island. In order of release, the islands are : * Early Poptropica Island * Shark Tooth Island * Time Tangled Island * 24 Carrot Island * Super Power Island * Spy Island * Nabooti Island * Big Nate Island * Astro Knights Island
Shark Tooth Island.
Professor Pete is in the Tourism Centerof Shark Tooth Island in Poptropica.