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go to buy mode and where all the options are like sort by room and stuff on the bottom you will see a open box that's the family inventory i couldn't figure it out at first either

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Q: How do you get to the family inventory on sims 3?
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You go to your family inventory

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They are in your Family Inventory.

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when you accept the opportunity, go into your family inventory. this can be found when you go into buy mode. there should be a radio in there, take it out and place it somewhere on your lot and have your sims repair it. place it back into your family inventory and bring it back to your friend.

How do you unpack the items in the family inventory outside in Sims 3?

In buy mode, next to the main selection/buying, there are four optons: Sort by room, sort by function, Family inventory, and collections. Click on family inventory and drag the objects out onto your lot.

How do you get to the family inventory on the sims 3 on I pod touch?

What u do is u go on where your mood is and u keep on sliding until at the top u see inventory a the top. Bye!!

How do you use the food replicator in sims 3?

You go to the buy mode and click on your family inventory and it should be in there. place it in your lot and use it!

How do you get to serveces on Sims 3?

In Sims 3 for PC you go to your inventory and click on the phone were you will get services as an option.

Where can you keep your seeds in Sims 3?

You can keep them in your inventory

How do you take a dead Sims grave out of an inventory on Sims 3 for Xbox?

go get a book and look it should be located in the in the case of Sims 3

How do you drag things into your inventory on sims 3?

if it is something you can drag, then open your sims inventory, then roll over the item. if it has a hand, then click and darg. if not, you can't drag it.

How do you eat an apple on Sims 3?

Buy an apple from the supermarket and then it will be in the sims inventory, click on it and there will be an option to 'eat'.

Where is the family inventory on the Sims 3?

It is located where you go to buy furniture and then down the right hand side is a cardboard box, click on that. that is the family inventory.Ok, it's on buy mode and you will notice a cardboard box thingy, which you press on and find all of the items that are in your Family Inventory, or nothing if there is nothing.