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The only way to get to the ender dragon is by finding a stronghold. However, there are some steps beforehand you will have to take to do this completely. This will involve a bit of crafting and going into the nether. The easiest way to do what I am about to tell you is to brew some fire resistant potions. You will have to fight blazes, and depending on the number of eye of enders missing from the ender portal located somewhere in the stronghold (look for it!), depends how much blaze rods you will need. You will specifically need blaze powder. Blaze powder is simply crafted by placing the blaze rod in a crafting screen on any square, or even in your inventory. This yields 2 blaze powders. You must also kill endermen. Place the ender pearls you have received from the enderman above the blaze powder and you will have an eye of ender. Right click on the missing eye of ender spot on the portal. When all are filled up, you can jump in the portal and complete the ender dragon by slaying the dragon!

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