By getting all of the 8 badges - making your way through victory road and then taking them on in Indigo Plateau.
one of the elite 4 has one
you get it after you beat the elite 4 go to the desert and catch one.
nation pokedex
the most you can get is in jubilife, in the pokewatch building after you defeated the elite 4.
You can't catch Dialga in Pokemon White. After you beat the the Elite 4, you can use the PokeTransfer to receive a Dialga from Pokemon Diamond, or Platnium.
kill the elite 4 noob
Bet the elite 4 and champion.
there are 4 elite fours
try going in the elite four with Pokemon lv. 60-100....
No, you do not have to beat the Elite 4 to get the National Dex in Pokémon Diamond.
catch legendary Pokemon like giratina and heatran
if you want to know, the Pokemon it has are 1. a googa googa
beat the elite 4 dips hit
beaten down by close combat!
you have to beat the elite 4
one of the elite 4 has one