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Simple, really simple. SHIFT, CTRL and the letter C. And here's a free cheat, type in motherlode to get $50,000.

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Q: How do you get to the cheat menu on Sims 2 Double Deluxe for the PC?
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How do you get the sim's 2 body shop if you have the sim's 2 double deluxe?

all sims games come with body shop, so you should have it with double deluxe. go to your start menu then all programs/EA games/ The sims 2 double deluxe when you open that body shop should be there.

Where is the bodyshop on the sims 2 double deluxe?

To access bodyshop on the sims 2 double deluxe: 1: Click on start menu. 2: Go to 'all programs' 3: Find 'EA Games' 4: Hover over that and find 'Sims 2' 5: Hover over 'Sims 2' and find 'Sims 2 Bodyshop' 6: Click on 'Bodyshop' and it will open. Hope this helps!

How do you move out of a house on sims double deluxe?

Go to the map/main menu when you first start the game and then click the bulldozer icon and move the family out of the house.

How do you have triplets on Sims 2 double deluxe?

To make your Sims have triplets, download the Triplets and Quads mod from Simbology: Follow the instructions there, and, if you've installed it correctly, your Sims should be able to have triplets and quadruplets.

How do you make your sims age fast in the sims 2 double deluxe edition?

Pause the game, press Ctrl + Shift + C When the cheat menu pops up type in: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true Then, shift + click on the sim you want to age and click on Set Age > Set to Birthday The next day, they will grow up. Have funn. =)

How do your sims have full health on The Sims 2?

open up the cheat menu and put in maxmotives

How do you move sims and sim made objects on sims?

In the cheat menu (ctrl+c) enter "moveObjects on"

Where do you enter the cheat code for sims 3?

use Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat menu

How do you max motives on Sims 2?

open the cheat menu and type in maxmotives

Where is the cheat menu in The Sims 2 Pet Stories?


Sims 2 double deluxe cheats for influence meter?

Open the cheat box ( Ctrl+Shift+C ), write boolProp testingcheatsenabled true, and shift-click the Sim. In the the following menu, click *Set Aspiration, and choose the one you want. If you want it at max press more and then Max. You can also change their aspirations (Wealth, Family, Romance, etc...) in the same menu.

Is there an max motives cheat in the sims 3?

open the cheat menu and type in testingcheatsenabled true you can then click and drag your sims' motives to make them at whatever level you want.