open the cheat menu and type in
testingcheatsenabled true
you can then click and drag your sims' motives to make them at whatever level you want.
After you get the Llama cheat, (press start and hold down L1 R1 L2 R2) hover over the mailbox and hold down L1, then click X the first option is "Make all happy" It won't "Max" the motives, but it'll make them high enough.
there is a cheat..... "testingcheatsenabled true" hold shift while clicking the mailbox.. click on "make all happy" you will only see their motives go up if your in live mode
YESSS!! If you haven spoot the magic llama enabled if you press L2 and go to the mailbox and hit X a maxmotives will appear
Yes, there is. if you press: Ctrl + Shift + C then type in TestingCheatsEnabled True Then press: Shift + click on the mailbox and click make all happy. it makes their motives go to the max or you can press down Ctrl+ Shift+ C then type in make happy. that will rise all your sim's motives all the way up.
Don't think there is one, BUT if you type in 'testingCheatsenabled true' on neighbourhood view you'll be able to do the equivalent by shift-clicking on the postbox and clicking Make All Happy. Enjoy!
Finish them all
After you get the Llama cheat, (press start and hold down L1 R1 L2 R2) hover over the mailbox and hold down L1, then click X the first option is "Make all happy" It won't "Max" the motives, but it'll make them high enough.
in sims 2 and 3 you can do maxmotives
there is a cheat..... "testingcheatsenabled true" hold shift while clicking the mailbox.. click on "make all happy" you will only see their motives go up if your in live mode
There is a cheat for it( type in the order and how you see it) testingCheatsenabled trueAfter ,you go to the mailbox...its near the board where you get your missions. Click on shift and then on the mailbox. There are several options. Youll prob get the hang of it after you use it more. There is a option Max motives. click on it or click on make needs dynamic and that will make your sims motives high all the time.Have Fun!
YESSS!! If you haven spoot the magic llama enabled if you press L2 and go to the mailbox and hit X a maxmotives will appear
Yes, there is. if you press: Ctrl + Shift + C then type in TestingCheatsEnabled True Then press: Shift + click on the mailbox and click make all happy. it makes their motives go to the max or you can press down Ctrl+ Shift+ C then type in make happy. that will rise all your sim's motives all the way up.
Don't think there is one, BUT if you type in 'testingCheatsenabled true' on neighbourhood view you'll be able to do the equivalent by shift-clicking on the postbox and clicking Make All Happy. Enjoy!
I found out on another website that you have to press Ctrl, shift and c at the same time, and a cheat bar comes up on the top screen. To max motives, put in 'maxmotives' and then press enter. Remember you cannot do This in story mode, it won't even let you put up the cheat bar. Another great cheat is: When the cheat bar comes up, type in 'motherlode' and you get 50,000 simoleons. again, you can only do this in freeform mode. I did it loads of times and got my family a good few million simoleons. It's very good. Have fun, an good luck with your game! bye xx p.s If the cheat for max motives doesn't work, you can save up ur aspiration points and buy a machine in the rewards section which, when used, maxes the sims motives. you can only use the machine 3 times, so use it wisely! xx
No, there is no cheat code for skills on The Sims 3.
There is no cheat for Mcdonalds in the Sims 2 or 3
There is NO cheat on Sims 3 for bigger breasts. Once you buy the expansion pack "Sims 3 Latenight" you can adjust your sims breast size.