In which city? In celadon, go to the game corner and press the button behind the rocket poster. Then head through the underground maze...
simple beat all gyme leaders and you will face giovanni at the last gyme
Defeat Team Rocket's Boss in the game corner he will leave the silph scope behind take it then leave.
Go through the rocket game corner and defeat team rocket's boss Giovanni once he goes away an item will appear take it its the silph scope.
You look for the team rocket boss and before you have face team rocket grunts and also your rival
Viridian City, Giovanni(Team Rocket Leader) is the Gym leader.
dark type Pokemon are said to be created after team rocket. some dark types are umbreon and tyranitar
This is an item dropped by the team rocket boss at the game corner.
Defeat the gym leader in the viridian city gym which happens to be the Team Rocket boss.
He can be found at the game corner, silph co and the viridian city gym.
You can only receive one master ball in leafgreen version its obtained from the president of Silph co after defeating team rocket and there boss.
You have to get to saffron city and defeat the team rocket in Silph .co defeat the team rocket boss giovanni and then the boss of silph gives it you as a reward
Defeat Team Rocket's Boss in the game corner he will leave the silph scope behind take it then leave.
easy . go to the end tunnel section
You must defeat Giovanni, the boss, on the top floor and any grunts blocking the way to him.
You defeat Giovanni (which is also the Team Rocket Boss). He is in Viridian City, and his Pokemons are Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Rhydon.
Team Rocket Team Rocket
Team rocket will go to the dotted hole after five island in leafgreen, but I'm not sure about firered.