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If you are talking about the ones in Lumbridge cave, simply cross over the stepping stones in the middle of the stream where they are.

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Q: How do you get to the Giant Frogs In Runescape?
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The filming of Frogs (1972) required the use of 500 frogs and 100 giant South American toads, many of which escaped during production.

Where can you get free runescape 2007 gold for The Hill Giant Boss 10.17?

Guys!Deep in the confines of the Edgeville dungeon, a giant hill giant lurks. Get your hands on a giant key and take on Obor, the hill giant boss!In order to fight Obor, the giant hill giant, you must first obtain a giant key. These are dropped by hill giants all throughout Old School RuneScape and are available in both members and free-to-play. Time to join RSorder Halloween Party for free rs 2007 gold/rs gold at 03:00 a. m. GMT Oct 17, 2016! Most realiable site for 6% off runescape 2007 gold&runescape gold buying with code JUSTPP Good site for 10% off 07 Runescape Accounts buying with code 07ACC

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The turkey emote is from the Thanksgiving celebration.

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What eats a giant waterbug?

Giant Water Bugs eat other animals, including insects, snails, fish and frogs.