Use the card key on the for to the left and go onto the teleport tile. Fight your rival, collect the lapras, and go up. Fight one more rocket and then you can face Giovanni. ...... You can also take the elevator, but that's a dead end.
On the 5th floor of silph co.
7th floor.
You must get to the top floor in Silph Co. and beat Giovanni. Once the battle is won talk to the President of Silph Co. to receive the Silph Scope.
Team Rocket leader Geovonni is on the eleventh floor of the Silph CO. tower but you must take a teleporter to get to him.
go on an elevator
Beat the boss in silph co he's on the 11th floor.
you meet him on the 11th floor but you have to go through a bunch of stuff first.
there is only one (1) master ball in Pokemon fire red. It can be obtained on the 11th floor of Silph co.
On the 5th floor of silph co.
you must first capture chancey then capture lapras fly to saffron go to silph co talk to person on 1st floor then go to 11th floor and then you shall receive a grown penis from president of silph co happy hunting
First, you must have 5 badges. Then go to Saffron City. Then go into the Silph co building. Then go to the 11th floor and battle Giovanni. Then talk to the President of the Silph co and he will give you a Master Ball.
Its on the 5th floor.
7th floor.
You must get to the top floor in Silph Co. and beat Giovanni. Once the battle is won talk to the President of Silph Co. to receive the Silph Scope.
11 floor
he is in the Silph Co building in Saffron City where he held hostage the president of Silph Co.
Team Rocket leader Geovonni is on the eleventh floor of the Silph CO. tower but you must take a teleporter to get to him.