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You must get to the top floor in Silph Co. and beat Giovanni. Once the battle is won talk to the President of Silph Co. to receive the Silph Scope.

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Q: How do you beat team rocket to get the silph scope in Pokemon Blue?
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How do you defeat the ghost in the tower on Pokemon Blue version?

You need the Silph Scope, which you get after defeating Giovanni in the Rocket Game Corner basement.

How do you Get past ghosts in Pokemon Blue?

Go to the Silph Co. in celadon and get the sliph scope.

How do you get the Silph Scope in Pokemon Blue?

You fight the team rocket in the Rocket Game Corner by pressing the switch behind the the poster in the Game Corner and Fight Giovanni and he will leave the Silph Scope behind. In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) you obtain the Silph Scope in Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City. You must beat Giovanni, and he drops the scope. You have to beat Giovanni at the game corner in Celedon City, just SW of the Pokemon center. Make sure you have room in your bag (so before you fight him, visit a Mart and sell some stuff). He's easy if you are any good and have some water Pokemon. i think you need to talk to a guy at like a fan club

In Pokemon Blue where do you get a pokeflute?

In Pokemon Blue, Mr. Fugi gives you a pokeflute when you rescue him from Team Rocket in the Pokemon Tower (which is in Lavender Town). In order to get to him though, you need a Silph Scope so that you can fight the level 30 ghost Marowak that blocks the way. ___ First, you need to go to the game corner. In the back, there is a poster that has a button behind it. Push it and a secret door opens the team rocket hide out. Once you get to the end you have to fight Giovanni and then he leaves behind the silph scope. You use this to reveal that the ghost in the Pokemon tower was just a Marowak. Fight it and get up the stairs. There will be a few rocket grunts wanting to fight. Then at the end is Mr.Fuji who is so grateful for you saving him he gives you the pokeflute.

How do you catch a ghastly in Pokemon LeafGreen?

whwn you arrive in celadon go to the game corner battle the team rocket grunt then talk to the poster and stairs will appear to their hideout after u beat the boss he will drop a silph scope pick it up and go to the grave building for Pokemon u will battle blue beat him and keep going up u will find gastlys cubones haunters and a marowak level 30 the end poke tower but you need the silph scope

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Where do you get silph scope in Pokemon blue?

Defeat team rocket at the game corner to get the silph scope.

Where can you get a silph scope in Pokemon Blue version?

you have to finish the team rocket part in Silph co. and beat Giovanni.

Where is the silph scope in Pokemon Blue?

At the end of the team rocket lair found after beating the ROCKET at the back of the GAME CORNER

Were is the silph scope in sliph co in saffron city for blue Pokemon?

The silph scope is not in silph co its in the game corner.

How do you defeat the ghost in the tower on Pokemon Blue version?

You need the Silph Scope, which you get after defeating Giovanni in the Rocket Game Corner basement.

How do you find the silph scope in Pokemon Blue version?

find the rocket base in the game corner examine the poster after you battle that rocket dude guy then you go in the stairs near it. inside battle a few rocket dude guys and get into "the boss" place and then you need to win then when he leaves behind you shall find the "silph scope".

How do you Get past ghosts in Pokemon Blue?

Go to the Silph Co. in celadon and get the sliph scope.

How do you get the Silph Scope in Pokemon Blue?

You fight the team rocket in the Rocket Game Corner by pressing the switch behind the the poster in the Game Corner and Fight Giovanni and he will leave the Silph Scope behind. In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) you obtain the Silph Scope in Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City. You must beat Giovanni, and he drops the scope. You have to beat Giovanni at the game corner in Celedon City, just SW of the Pokemon center. Make sure you have room in your bag (so before you fight him, visit a Mart and sell some stuff). He's easy if you are any good and have some water Pokemon. i think you need to talk to a guy at like a fan club

Were to get master ball in Pokemon Blue?

Save the silph co. building from team rocket and you will be rewarded with it.

How can you enter silph co building in Pokemon Blue?

beat team rocket's hideout in celadon city, defeat erika and enter silph co. :) hope i helped

In Pokemon Blue where do you get a pokeflute?

In Pokemon Blue, Mr. Fugi gives you a pokeflute when you rescue him from Team Rocket in the Pokemon Tower (which is in Lavender Town). In order to get to him though, you need a Silph Scope so that you can fight the level 30 ghost Marowak that blocks the way. ___ First, you need to go to the game corner. In the back, there is a poster that has a button behind it. Push it and a secret door opens the team rocket hide out. Once you get to the end you have to fight Giovanni and then he leaves behind the silph scope. You use this to reveal that the ghost in the Pokemon tower was just a Marowak. Fight it and get up the stairs. There will be a few rocket grunts wanting to fight. Then at the end is Mr.Fuji who is so grateful for you saving him he gives you the pokeflute.

Where is the pokeflaut in Pokemon Blue?

You get the flute by saving the old man in the Lavender tower. This requires you to first get the Silph Scope from the Game Corner to see and fight the ghost pokemon.