You have to ride your bike across seaside cycling road from mauville, then go down.
in slateport Dummy
When you learn to use the force.
In Slateport City, to the left of the Pokemon center.
Slateport in front of the contest place
the third badge in sapphire is at mauville city(north of slateport city)
Slateport city.
in slateport Dummy
The Name Rater is in Slateport City, in the building to the left of the Pokemon Center.
Like ruby and sapphire, it is north of slateport city, south of mauville city. Easier to reach from slateport city.
pay 50 money to get in.
slateport city Pokemon mart
When you learn to use the force.
its in slateport below the Pokemon contest buliding
In Slateport City, to the left of the Pokemon center.
There isn't one.
You get it from the little girl in slateport city
Slateport in front of the contest place