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Go to cerulean city and head north over the bridge. then turn right and you are on route 25

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Q: How do you get to route 25 in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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Where to get a thunder stone in soul silver?

You get it from Billy's Grandfather on route 25 after showing him some pokemon.

Where do you find oddish in Pokemon soul silver?

Route 5, Route 6, Route 24, Route 25, Ilex Forest, and Safari Zone (Marshland).

How do you get on route 25 on Pokemon soul silver?

first you have to find it on the map then you just follow the map until you get there its as simple as that

How do you get to route 26 in Soul Silver?

you can't there is only route:1-25 there is no route 26 or 27

Where does Suicune appear in pokemon soul silver?

In kanto, it appears first at the pier in vermilion, then on the windmill route east of fuschia and finally it can be battled on cerulean cape(route 25).

What city is closet to route 25 in soul silver?

Cerulean City

How do you get suncine in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can get suicune in soul silver after you defeat elite four on route 25 check the pokegear map. Have tons of fast balls

Where is the water stone in Pokemon soul silver?

National Park (1st prize), Route 42 (PokeGear Phonetical), Route 25 (Show Bill's grandfather a Staryu), and Seafoam Islands.

Where do you Find Bill's Grandfather in Pokemon Soul Silver?

you go to route 25 in kanto and keep going right until you see a house and there is bill grandfather.

What level does paras evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

Level 25.

What level does phanpy evolve in Pokemon soul silver?
