There's a million stores in EVERY city, but goldenrod has a whole entire skyscraper's full.
A Pokedoll is in the Celadon Department Store.
in the poke mart deparment store
fist get shine poke then go to store and then talk to gey in green shirt then he give you flute
In poke platinum you get a black poke flute from Looker the agent
The Poke doll distracts Pokémon
You buy them from the poke store or trade apricorns to Kurt and he makes them
In the app store
at the poke app store in jubilife city when you talk to the president on the right door.
celadon department store
on top of the Celadon Dept. Store
A Pokedoll is in the Celadon Department Store.
you can find them in poke-marts in all the towns and cities you get some in a department store.
in the poke mart deparment store
The only things you can do with it are store it, or sell it for 4000 Poke.
You have to find poke balls in the wild which contain rare candy in them.
There is no Poke Market, but there is a Department Store where you can buy all things you need.
You can buy pokedolls at the celadon city dept store on the 4th floor.