You can not get there till you get the TM fly
Get cut, go through Digglet's Cave and keep walking down until you see the last tree you can cut. Then head downwards passing Veridian City, and you'll eventually run into Pallet town.
Pallet Town is where it normally is, south of Viridian city.
A person can get to Pallet Town in Pokemon Crystal by first defeating Snorlax at the cave. Then, proceed to Viridian City, which leads into Pallet Town.
Well you cant unless you get cut and go through digletts cave, Get fly and fly there, or get surf and surf around the bottom of the region to pallet town the walk there.
Just fly back to Pallet Town or just head South from Viridan City.
Can you not just come back the way you came from? There shouldn't be anything prohibiting you from returning to Pallet Town. If you are far enough into the game, you can also fly back to Pallet Town, but if not, just use Route 1 from Viridian City to take you back to Pallet Town. You can also surf from Cinnibar Island north to Pallet town via Route 21.
Use the Good Rod or Super Rod and fish at: Pallet Town, Cerulean City, or the Safari Zone.
in cerulean city
Pallet Town is where it normally is, south of Viridian city.
What town!? Be more specific with your questions! There is the following towns: New Bark Town Cherrygrove City Violet City Azalea Town Goldenrod City Ecruteak City Olivine City Cianwood City Mahogany Town Blackthorn City Vermillion City Saffron City Lavender Town Cerulean City Celadon City Fuchsia City Pewter City Viridian City Pallet Town Cinnabar Island Seafoam Island
Pallet town, Cerulean City, Silph Co, Pokemon Tower, Route west of Viridian city (twice), Four island, Six island in the Pokemon center.
A person can get to Pallet Town in Pokemon Crystal by first defeating Snorlax at the cave. Then, proceed to Viridian City, which leads into Pallet Town.
Well you cant unless you get cut and go through digletts cave, Get fly and fly there, or get surf and surf around the bottom of the region to pallet town the walk there.
It is below Lt. Surge's town which is below cerulean which is connected to viridian by Mt. Moon which gets to Pallet town eventually
Cerulean city
Cerulean city.
Pallet Town in Kanto.
Viridian city is north from pallet town.