You need crowns or to be a member to go to the other worlds it stinks :(
Actually you need a membership in order to beat the three main lanes Cyclops lane, Firecat Alley , and start Colossus Boulevard. I'm not sure if you can buy your way throught the spiral but who knows I just know you have to beat the three lanes. Hoped it helped. =)
You'll need to either be a member or possess enough crowns to get access. You will need to also do a series of quest for Bartlebay to open his doorway, and even if you managed to crack through the door you can't go anywhere as long as you are not a subscriber or don't have enough crowns.
you can get a membership or you can buy crowns and use them to buy the worlds. i recommend crowns, because even if you run out of membership you still have the worlds.
He is at the end of Dragonspyre, which is the fifth out of eleven worlds in the game. Another person: GrizzleHeim and Wysteria are also some worlds you might want to complete for Malistaires "prosecution"
well there are MANY MANY bosses which drop pets, from all the different worlds but here are a few from memorySPOILER
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from
Wizard city Krokotopia Grizzleheim Wysteria Marleybone Mooshu Dragonspyre Celestia (Wintertusk coming soon) (Zarfaria coming soon- trailer videos out now!)
Nope, you must crack open your wallet and pay for it.
You will either have to be a paying member or buy crowns to get to that area, you can't go there for free.
Portal door
you can get a membership or you can buy crowns and use them to buy the worlds. i recommend crowns, because even if you run out of membership you still have the worlds.
It helps the game run more smoothly. Because wizard101 has a lot of graphic, worlds, and it is a HUGE place.
the pirate101 and wizard101 are most popular virtual world!
go in the heart of bartleby and it will show different worlds and click kroktopia
Dragon as Pet: Crown shop, possibly get in other worlds Dragon as Mount: You may earn it, get it from Zeke, or order with Crowns Crowns: "Wizard money"
There are many different worlds in wizard101, but the only way to get to any of them is by getting crowns. Also, you have to finish each one before you go to the next one.
Wizard101 is better because their is nothing to do in Club Penguin, in Wizard101 you can fight moonsters and other wizard101 around the globe.
Wizard101 has over a dozen different worlds for players to explore, each with its own unique theme and storyline. These worlds include Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone, Mooshu, and many others. Some worlds are available for all players, while others are accessible only to those who have reached a certain level or completed specific quests.
He is at the end of Dragonspyre, which is the fifth out of eleven worlds in the game. Another person: GrizzleHeim and Wysteria are also some worlds you might want to complete for Malistaires "prosecution"