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He is at the end of Dragonspyre, which is the fifth out of eleven worlds in the game.

Another person: GrizzleHeim and Wysteria are also some worlds you might want to complete for Malistaires "prosecution"

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Q: Where is malistaire in wizard101?
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Where do you find malistaire on wizard101?

You find him in Dragonspyre.

What is the wizard101 code for malistaire's suit staff minions?

it is quaj1

Who is the pirate101 version of Wizard101 Malistaire?

the pirate101 version of malistire is Deacon if you include the 3 new wolds in wizard101 if you don't it's Kane

How do you get a sword in wizard101?

You ether have to be a level 50 to get a sword from Malistaire. Or you can get a cheat code from game stores.

How do you leave the circular room after defeating Malistaire's henchmen in wizard101?

You Turn Around and go through the door with the yellow light in it

What do you do to get to malistaire in wizard 101?

To fight the 1st main boss in the game, you will need to complete Wizard City and unlock Krokotopia, complete MarleyBone, and unlock Mooshu, and complete dragonspyre, at the end of this chaotic world you will defeat Malistaire, for the key to Celestia. -Onyxeagle133

How do you complete Wizard101?

Simple. You defeat Malistaire in Dragonspyre. But Kingsisle just opened a brand new world called Celestia. So I guess to beat the game you would need to beat Celestia.

How do you get the quest to beat malistaire in wizard101?

You get it from doing all the main quests in wizard city, krokotopia, marleybone, mooshu, and dragonspyre. you don't have to do grizzleheim. And Cyrus his brother gives a quest in basilla and you go to Dragon Claw Cayon.

Who was Malistaire's wife?

Malistaire Drake's wife was Sylvia Drake. They were happily married until her untimely death, which greatly affected Malistaire and influenced his actions.

Who is malistaire?

Malistaire is the main enemy on Wizard 101 and also is Cyrus' brother and former death teacher.

What is Wizard 101 like?

Wizard101 is a game where you have started at a wizard school just as an evil wizard named Malistaire starts to try to take over. You go on quests, get new spells, see new worlds, and get new items as you explore the spiral. You can even do stuff with friends because it's an online multiplayer game. When your wizard is Level 50 you get to fight Malistaire, and once you defeat him you have saved the spiral!

When do you fight the ghost of Sylvia drake on wizards101?

You fight her when your battling Malistaire.