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to get to 1 to 3 island you need to beet the 7th gym. 4 to 7 island beet the elite 4 and talk to celio on 1 island. 8 to 9 island you need the mystery ticket to get to 8 island, aurora ticket to get to 9 island, both you get in a Pokemon event.

Answermake sure you have data for 60 Pokemon in your pokedex. then beat the elite 4. go out of your house. prof. oak will check your pokedex. if you have 60 Pokemon data he will give you and rival national dex. go to one isl. the guy who is making the long distance trading machine, well talk to him. go to mount ember. go to the right side beat the rocket grunts and go in the cave they made get the ruby and give it to the guy who is making the long distance trading thing give him the ruby and you get the rainbow pass. you can now go to islands 1-7. PS. if you face the Pokemon league the Pokemon will be new and 10 levals stronger like the 2nd guys onix will be steelix rival will have a tyranitar. get the point Answerwin elite4
After you beat Blaine's gym Bill will come and ask you if you would like to come to the islands.

After you beat the 7th Gym Leader, Blane, Bill will be outside the Gym and he will bring you there.
Beat the 7th gym

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Q: How do you get to other islands in Pokemon FireRed?
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The Sevii Islands(islands 4,5,6,7)

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