it's simple. you beat iccirus gym, beat dragon spiral tower, go across the watery route 8, then go across tubeline bridge.
p.s. there is a parasol lady near the bridge. if you talk to her, she will give you a stone everyday that lengthens the time of a weather. ex. smooth stone= sandstorm
Just to the left of the Pokemon center in Opelucid City. It's called the Battle House in Pokemon black and white.
Tubeline bridge.... Look it up. I believe it is on YouTube.
Klink and Blitzle can both learn Charge, but he specifically wants to see one from another universe, ie, one traded from Pokemon White.
nothing. he will keep on saying no.
Solosis is onpy found in Pkmn white. Solosis is in the route between driftveil city and nimbasa city, they would be lv19-22. Later in the game, you can catch a duosion, the evolution of solosis, in route 9 before opelucid city
North of Opelucid City.
a medapod.
Between route 8 and 9, which are between icirus city and opelucid city
hes in opelucid city and he wants a pokemon from the black version. hope this helps! =)
Just to the left of the Pokemon center in Opelucid City. It's called the Battle House in Pokemon black and white.
Tubeline bridge.... Look it up. I believe it is on YouTube.
He isnt there. In the gym, you have to face iris. Drayden is in his house, near the gym.
The man in Opelucid City wants to see a Pokemon transferred from the other game. So if you're in Black, you need to get someone to transfer you one from Pokemon White.
You can find them about before opelucid city. :)