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you get five stars on your trainer card and get the national dex talk to professor oak he will give you the mystery ticket after that and go on the boat at vermillion city and show the guy the mystery ticket and he will take you to navel rock.when you there you can catch lugia and ho-oh at level 70 and if you look hard enough at the same spot where ho-oh was press a and there will be a sacred ash there if you look in the right spot.

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Q: How do you get to navel rock in Pokemon fire red?
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How do you get to navel rock using ultimate codes on Pokemon fire red?

you have to get an event ticket

Where do you get Ho-oh on Pokemon Fire Red?

You need to go to Navel Rock, but you need a ticket from a Nintendo event.

Who do you talk to in Pokemon fire red to get to Navel Rock?

To get to navel rock you need the mystic ticket which is given out at Nintendo events which in this case already happened so bad news you can't go there.

Can you help me get to navel rock on Pokemon fire red?

you have to get an event......but i still did not ....try to do something aren't you humans we are smart aren't we???

Where is ho-ho on Pokemon FireRed?

Ho-oh is located on Navel Rock in Pokemon Fire Red Version. If you want to get there, you need a mystic ticket.

Going to navel rock?

navel rockin navel rock is lugia and ho-oh to get there you need a ticket i don't remember good the name you get the ticket by trade by Pokemon fire red or leaf green (there´s no another way) and then when you have youre ticket(in Pokemon emerald)you need to go to slateport and go to the ship and give the ticket and the men will get you to navel rock

I have a Pokemon fire red game that has a file in it.its name is AAAAAAAA.anyway he has a ticket to Navel Rock but i need to beat the Pokemon league what do i do?

You go to the Indigo Plateu and battle the Pokemon league then go to Naval Rock.

Were can you fined lugia in Pokemon fire red without a cheat code?

You can only find it on navel rock, but you can also trade one from Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

Where do you find the guy who tells you how to get to navel rock in Pokemon fire red?

You have to go to an event from six years ago. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

How do you get to navel rock in Fire Red?

you use the wireless adapter to get to lugia . trainer ash