Going to Island 8, or Navel Rock, without the use of special events, is impossible to do legitimately. However, you can use hacks to uncover Island 8 (Navel Rock) and Island 9 (Birth Island).
No, the only way is to do cheats or an event, and there are no more events for Pokemon Heart Gold because there is a new Pokemon game they are doing special events on.
Pokemon events happen at random points in a year usually to coincide with a special release.
It will be in Special Events in the future. Hopefully, soon.
There is no way to get Mystery Gift without using the Wireless Adapter. Sadly, the events for Pokemon Emerald are expired and there will be no more events for this game.
Going to Island 8, or Navel Rock, without the use of special events, is impossible to do legitimately. However, you can use hacks to uncover Island 8 (Navel Rock) and Island 9 (Birth Island).
You can only get the S.S ticket without doing events, but where can you do these events?please reply now.
This special ticket was only given out during Nintendo events if you have it you can show it to the sailor in vermilion city and he will bring you to Birth Island this special island has a puzzle on it and if it's solved the rare Pokemon Deoxys will appear!
If you are talking about Pokemon, you don't use events, the events you attend give you special pokemon.
There are 9 island in totally ( Island 8 - 9 you are able to 'ctach ' Ho Ho and lugia) , Although i don't thing there is away to get onto them island without gameshark of cheats , this is because you needed a special event that Nintendo did a while ago to unlock the island - although i doubt they still have the special events for the U.K or for fire red and leaf Green
The Pokemon that can be caught without special events, trading, or cheating in Pokemon diamond are: Uxie Mesprit Azelf Dialga Giratina Heatran
No, the only way is to do cheats or an event, and there are no more events for Pokemon Heart Gold because there is a new Pokemon game they are doing special events on.
Wonder cards are slots of information that tell you when you get a "special" Pokemon. This is, basically, Pokemon from Pokemon Battle Revolution, or Pokemon from Nintendo Events.
You can only do it through special Pokemon Events (eg. Movie releases or game retailer special events). You can also find someone who has a Shaymin and ask them to trade it to you.
no you cannot. unless you go to the special events Nintendo does.
special events
there will obviosly be specail events for it