There is a small cave in the last plains area. in the cave you go up to progress to the 1st mage blade shatter. But if you keep going forward you will go to evernight forest. there will be lots of rooms and caves but eventully you will arive in florennum. Hope this helped!
In the fiery depths
Kill the guys
The ice trinket in Swordigo is located in the Twilight Temple. You can find it in a secret room that is accessible only after defeating the boss in that area. Look for a breakable wall near the boss room to get the ice trinket.
Try jumping a lot an duse the healing potions from the shop. Also hit with your swor when he stops spinning his
You must beat the boss of lair of death go into the gate after you beat it then destroy chaos orb and master of chaos will appear.
It is in purplemoor crypt. There is alot of traps, and the main enemys are lvl 14 skeletons. There is a platforming puzzle in the end of the mini dungeon, and a lvl 14 skeleton lord as boss. Take the key he drops and open the gate. The sword is behind it.
Just keep using spells and sword slashing the rock boss and when you defeat him, out comez...another boss. The Corrupter you first met in Cairnwood Forest, I believe. Just dodge the red fireballs and keep using spells. Double jump over him when he's in his sword whirlwind mode. And then, just keep pounding him.