From Mahogany Town you head east until you reach a cave called the Ice Path. This is a difficult cave to navigate because of the ice floors that cause you to slide in the direction you were walking until you hit an object to stop you. When you finally find the exit to the cave you will arrive in Blackthorn City. North of the Pokemon Center is the eighth gym.
Tip: because this is a dragon type gym you should challenge it with something super effective such as dragon or ice types.
It's in Blackthorn City. She uses Dragon types. The advice guy you always see tells you you can't keep your Pokemon out while your trying to get to her and im not sure but i think he mentions that ice moves work best on them. otherwise u talk to him again and he tels you that.
All you have to do is get to Viridian City.
Blue (The eighth gym leader) is waiting on Cinnabar. He won't battle you unless you've beat the rest of the gym leaders
i haht Pokemon soulsilver so live with it itiet
you capture the ledgon dariy Pokemon
You have to show Blue the other seven Kanto badges so the guy in front of the Viridian City gym will move out of the way. Blue is on Cinnabar Island.
You have to beat team rocket
All you have to do is get to Viridian City.
The eighth gym leader still awaits, as well as the whole of Kanto.
use an ice type Pokemon against the dragons and an electric against the garydos
in blackthorn city.
Blue (The eighth gym leader) is waiting on Cinnabar. He won't battle you unless you've beat the rest of the gym leaders
there is no 16th gym in soulsilver u dope....
After the eighth gym? Or after Pokemon league? well, for eighth gym, i recommend.. I got nothing, but for after Pokemon leagu, they give little exp, so Red.
You CAN NOT become a Gym Leader in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver or ANY MAIN SERIES POKEMON GAME.
Capture Ho-oh. Not sure of the way to do that, as I have SoulSilver, but I know it has something to do with Ecurteak city and the Tin Tower.
His name is Blue, and he is on Cinnabar Island. Show him the other 7 Kanto Badges and he will go to the Viridian City gym. Then, go to Viridian City and battle him at that gym.
i haht Pokemon soulsilver so live with it itiet